9 Ways To Reduce Driving Emissions


Emissions from vehicles significantly contribute to air pollution through the release of carbon dioxide due to the burning of fuels. As such, driving may not be as environmentally friendly as you thought. However, there are ways to lessen the effects. One of them is by reducing your vehicle’s emissions.

Going the extra mile to regulate your car’s emissions is considered as beneficial to the environment as it is to your vehicle. This is because it can also make it run more smoothly. And although there are no ways to avoid driving emissions altogether, there are a couple of things you can consider to lessen them.

  1. Get A Soot Sensor

Soot sensors, also called Particulate matter (PM) sensors, can be an excellent place to start if you want to regulate the amount of emissions your vehicle lets out. A PM sensor can estimate how much soot a particulate filter has trapped in it. This will help you create accurate and effective regeneration strategies for your diesel particulate filter (DPF) and save it from failure.

If your DPF fails, you’re also likely going to see your vehicle’s emissions go through the roof, so it can help to guard against it. A particulate matter sensor can also help you detect whenever your emissions are starting to increase and allow you to act early, which is a plus!

Because a PM is essential to how you can better regulate your vehicle’s emissions, you’ll want to go with tried and tested brands. You can check out places like dpfpartsdirect.com for some of the best sensors you can get for your car.

  1. Use A Cleaning Agent

The older a car gets, the more toxic deposit gets stuck in the engine, which can reduce the efficiency of the vehicle. As a result, this increases the emissions the vehicle produces.

To clean out the harmful deposits from the engine, add a cleaning agent to the fuel system so that emissions can be reduced. To maintain effective results, consider using a cleaning agent at three-month intervals.

  1. Use Premium Fuels

One of the changes you can make is the type of fuel you use. Premium fuels, for instance. People often wonder if buying premium fuels is worth it because of the high prices. However, it’d be worth noting that what makes them more expensive and worth it is that they not only help clean up the engine they also increase fuel efficiency while reducing emissions. And in some cases, some people may even notice an improvement in their vehicles’ function.

  1. Regularly Change The Air Filter

The air filters of your vehicle can clog up easily, so it’s always recommended to change them as often as possible. If an air filter stays for long, it can limit airflow to the engine and reduce the vehicle’s performance. This is because the engine needs to breathe for proper function, therefore, releasing a lot of driving emissions.

For that reason, you should change your air filter regularly. More so, you might need to change your air filter more often when you reside in dusty areas, as clogging up is faster in such circumstances.

  1. Check Your Tire Pressure

Checking your tire pressure regularly can also help increase vehicle performance as low pressure in tires can cause high fuel consumption, causing carbon dioxide release into the air. Ideally, consider checking to see if your tire pressure is in sync with the manufacturer’s instructions at least once a month.

  1. Reduce Use of Air Conditioner

Perhaps you may be wondering how using the air conditioner affects vehicle emissions. It’s because the air conditioner makes the engine work harder. It may, as a result, start emitting a lot more carbon dioxide into the air than it usually would.

With that in mind, it’s recommended to switch off your air conditioner before reaching your destination so that cool air can circulate around the system while the engine is still on.

  1. Avoid Idle Time

When the engine is left running when the vehicle is not moving or when parked is called idle time. Idling for ten seconds generally wastes more fuel than restarting the car, causing your car to release more emissions. For that reason, reducing idle time is environmentally friendly and eco-friendly as it helps reduce excess use of fuel.

  1. Refrain From Driving Unnecessarily

This might be one of the most obvious solutions, minimize using your car. One can think of many alternatives to reduce driving unnecessarily; one could cycle, walk, use public transport or share a car with a friend.

Perhaps, this is one of the most efficient ways of reducing driving emissions since the car does not release anything when it is just at home.

  1. Change Your Vehicle’s Oil

Since the oil is responsible for cleaning the vehicle’s system, it should be changed regularly to increase the vehicle’s efficiency. And since the oil lubricates, helps prevent wear, and cools the car, it makes sure the vehicle is working at optimum range and doesn’t use too much fuel. Hence, reducing driving emissions.


By adhering to these tips, one can help save the environment by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide released into the air by their vehicles. Changing the little things you do to manage your car can help reduce driving emissions by a considerable amount.