Argentina. Best selling cars ranking in the 2019
Argentina Best Selling Cars ranking in 2019 was led by the Toyota Hilux with a safe gap over all other competitors, closing at a new record share of 5.7%. Behind, the Ford Ka managed to stay ahead of Chevrolet Onix, while the Toyota Etios lost 2 positions.
Argentina 2016. THe car market up at best level out of last years
Argentinian Vehicles Market 2016 posted the best performance of the last three years, pushed up by the outstanding increase hit in December and by economic improvements.
Argentina. In 2019 Auto Sales at lowest out of last 15 years
Argentina Auto Sales in 2019 have collapsed, falling below half a million units, the worst performance in the last 15 years. Indeed Total annual sales were 449.477, down 43.1%. The new President, Alberto Fernandez, just elected at the end of October found a country in the edge of the financial disaster.
Argentina Best Selling Cars in 2015. The top 100
Argentina Best Selling Cars in 2015 led again by the Volkswagen Gol, the best since 1988. The subcompact vehicles, produced in Brazil was followed by the Chevrolet Classic and the Toyota Hilux.
Argentina Auto Market Data & Report
Argentina Auto Market is tracked with the last decade sales figures by all brands and models. You can have access to an Excel Dataset or to a Market Report, including next year's forecast.
Argentina 2024. Best Selling Cars Ranking – The Top 50
Argentina Best Selling Cars Ranking in 2024 was led by the Peugeot 208, while last year's leader, the Fiat Cronos, dropped to 3rd. Volkswagen secured its share with 3 models in the Top 10.