UAE 2020. Mitsubishi sales halved as COVID-19 and falling oil prices affect market (-29.1%)
UAE auto market in 2020 falls by 29.1% as the pandemic and the fall in oil prices affect sales. Full-Year sales have been 171.252, while Mitusbishi falls by 3.8% share by losing more than half its sales.
UAE Vehicles Market in 2015 hit the new all time record albeit falling in...
UAE Vehicles Market in 2015 hit the new all time record, the second in a row ranking as the World's 27th. However in the Q4 sales were reported heavily down as demand for re-export was hit by economic restrictions.
UAE 2023. Mitsubishi Collapses 48.5% In Vehicle Market Up 29.3%
Emirates 2016. Auto sales dropped a huge 27%
Emirates Auto Sales 2016 dropped down more than any other Top market in the World, hit by weak demand both from real internal demand and trading sector. All manufacturers fell down, but Infiniti and Jaguar.
UAE 2022. MG Rises 87.1% Joining The Top 10 For The First Time
Emirates Automotive Market in 2022 totals 217,245 sales, a 2.0% increase from the prior year. December grows for the 2nd month in a row, with 18,570 new registrations (+8.2%). MG in 8th spot rises 87.1%.
UAE 2018 The Best Selling Cars ranking
UAE best selling cars ranking in the 2018 reported the same leader of the previous year, the Nissan Patrol. In second and third place the Toyota Land Cruiser and Mitsubishi Pajero.
UAE 2014. New vehicles market hit All-Time record
UAE Vehicles Market hit All-Time record in 2014 with Sales above 400k, first time ever, and joining the Top 25 Global Car Markets Club. This was the year of BMW booming sales 83%.
UAE 2016. The Best Selling Cars ranking
UAE best selling cars 2016 shows a new leader while the ranking has been re-mixed by the effect of sharp and sudden market decline after years of outstanding performances.
UAE Best Selling Cars 2015 ranking. The leader was not a Toyota!
UAE best selling cars 2015 ranking dominated again by Toyota models despite losing two places in the podium and the leadership. The market hit the all time record again.
UAE 2017. The Best Selling Cars ranking
UAE best selling cars ranking in the 2017 reported a new leader, the third in three years, thanks to the progress of Nissan Patrol in a descending markets. In second and third place the Toyota Land Cruiser and Hilux.