China 2019. Best selling cars ranking. The top 100

Best Selling Car in China

Best Selling Cars Models in China in 2019 confirmed the very low concentration of national sales. Indeed, the top 100 models represent only 66% of total market. On top of the list the Volkswagen Lavida, leadership, taken since 2017, widened the gap from the follower, the Nissan SylphyHaval H6 fell in double-digits.

The Chinese new vehicles market is the largest in the World and is characterized by a very low concentration of sales in the top models. Indeed the top 10 models sales represent only the 14.4% of the market, while the top 50 represent the 43.5% and the top 100 the 66%.

The best-seller in the period 2010-2015 was always a light commercial, the Wuling Hongguang, which is utilized both a minibus and eight seats MPV. Since the 2017 the leadership if under the Volkswagen Lavida, a compact sedan, which in 2019 reached a peak of 2.4% market share.

In second place again a sedan, the Nissan Sylphy, which after booming in 2018, it kept the 2.1% of market share.

In third the best SUV, the Haval H6, which was the market leader in the 2016 and now is quite aged, while offered at a very competitive price. In 2019 the H6 declined in double-digit, falling at 1.7% of share.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for the top 100 Models

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