Indonesia 2018. Best selling cars ranking revolutionized by Mitsubishi Expander

Indonesia best selling cars

Indonesia best selling cars revolutionized by the launch of the new Mitsubishi Expander, landed in second place, behind of the Toyota Avanza. Fast mover is the other new model, the Toyota Rush, ranking in 5th place behind Toyota Calya and Innova.

In the 2018 the market improved from the last year. Indeed, registrations closed the year at 1.139.901, growing 7.1%. This is the third consecutive year of gain, with an annual score very close to the 2013 record. Moreover, the market has been characterized by a positive performance throughout all the quarters.

According to data released by the GAIKINDO, the Indonesian Associations of Car Manufacturers, the ranking of best-selling cars in the 2018 has been revolutionized by the launch of the totally new model, the Mitsubishi Expander.

However, the leadership at the end of the year was again in the hands of the Toyota Avanza with 82.170, which has lost -29.4%.

In second place the new Mitsubishi Xpander, with 75.075 sales (+474.4%) and in third the Toyota Calya with 63.970 units (-12.7%).

In fourth place Toyota Innova with 59.690 (-3.4%) followed by the Toyota Rush up 14 spots with 53.145 (+165.2%) the Mitsubishi Fuso Center with 51.470 (+25.4%) and the Daihatsu Sigra 50.907 sales (+13.1%).

In eight place the Honda Brio Satya with 46.900 units (+8.1%) ahead of the Daihatsu Grand Max PU with 42.534 (+2%) and in 10th place the Suzuki Super Carry P/U with 39.043 sales (+11%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for the top 100 Models

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