Mexico. In 2019 market down for the third consecutive year while Ford kept collapsing


Mexico Cars Market in 2019 has lost terrain for the third year in a row. Indeed, Full-year sales in 2019 were 1.317.937, down 7.6%. Nissan dominated with 20.1% of share, while Ford ended the year below 5% share, losing half of the quota since the 2010.

Economic Environment

Mexican economy remained subdued in the final quarter of 2019, after it shrank again in the third quarter on falling investment and government expenditure. Economic activity contracted at the sharpest pace in seven months in October, dragged down by a broad-based decline in output across the major sectors. Moreover, the industrial sector continued to be mired in recession through November, largely weighed on by the ailing construction industry, while the manufacturing PMI deteriorated even further in Q4.
Externally, goods exports slumped for the third month running in November, while a plunge in imports in the same month—the steepest in over a decade—point to restrained domestic demand in the final stretch of the year.

Market Trend

The Mexican automotive industry grew up uninterruptedly for the entire period 2010-2016 with light vehicles sales booming from 803.222 (2010) to the all time record of 1.604.000 (2016) and the growth of the domestic market was simultaneously to the huge development of the local production, which boomed for new localization done by new manufacturers like Honda, Mazda, Hyundai, Kia and by the expansion of already existing companies, like Ford and General Motors.

In the 2016 Mr Trump become President of the United States….

The Mexican domestic market was on a high peak and it was expected a steady decline before to start a new positive path and indeed in the 2017 sales declined just 5% at 1.53 million.

However, the start of the revision of commercial agreement with US and the increase of tariff, blocked the growth of the Mexican economy and the major industrial sector, the automotive was further more penalized by new limits to the export to the US zone.

The negative trend become more “structural” than expected and sales declined in 2018 and 2019.

Indeed, according to data released by the Association of Mexican Automotive Industry, Full-year sales in 2019 were 1.317.937, down 7.6%.

The king of domestic market was again Nissan. However, the pressure of new entrants have reduced the power of the leader and Nissan market share declined from over 25% (25.7% in the 2015) to 20.1% in 2019.

In second place Chevrolet has lost a few points of share as well, from 18% in the period 2012-2016 to near 15% in 2018 and 2019.

The only other brand over 10% was the third, Volkswagen, at 10.9%. In recent years, fast-growing brands are Toyota, Kia, Mazda, Hyundai and Renault, while Ford has lost over the half of the share, from 10.8% in the 2010 down at 4.4 in 2019.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 models.

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