Russia 2017. Market up a shy 11% after the Big Fall

Russian Auto Sales 2017

Russian Auto Sales was up 11.9% in the 2017, a little recovery standing near the half from the market record in the 2012. Despite having bottomed out from the recession, the market struggle to find propellent for growth. Koreans and Autovaz dominate.

Russian economy’s lost steam in the third quarter on a slowdown in investment growth. The recovery nonetheless remained on track, and private consumption grew at a multi-year high rate amid an improving labor market and low inflation. Early data for Q4 suggests that the recovery gained steam modestly. Oil prices rose to an over two-year high in the period, exports soared in October and the manufacturing PMI jumped in December. In December, President Vladimir Putin confirmed he will run for a fourth term in the March elections. Putin is virtually guaranteed to win given his 80% approval rating and a lack of opposition

Russian vehicles market collapsed in the period 2013-2016 losing over the half of the previous volume from 2.9 million in th 2012 to 1.4 million in the 2016. Only in March 2017 the fall ended and a progressive recovery took place. Indeed, according to the data released by the AEB, new light vehicles sales in he 2017 recovered at 1.595.000 (+11.9%).

At brand-wise, the domestic maker controlled by Renault, Lada (Autovaz), sold 311.588 vehicles (+17.0%) with 19.5% of market share, followed by Kia with 181.947 sales (+21.6%) and Hyundai with 157.925 (+8.7%).

Behind, Renault with 136.686 units (+16.6%), Volkswagen with 96.459 (+19.6%), Toyota with 94.238 (-0.3%), Nissan with 76.000 (+7.9%), Skoda with 62.302 (+12.5%), GAZ with 58.617 (+5.0%) and Ford with 50.360 (+18.4%).

At model wise, the leader is Korean, the Kia Rio, with 100.721 sales (+14.9%) overtaking the Lada Granta (93.686 sales, +6.8%) and the Lada Vesta (77.291, +40.1%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models

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