Skoda. Global Sales hit a new record in 2017


Skoda Global Performance in 2017 again at record thanks to the launch of the SUV Kodjaq, which balanced sales lost by the top model Octavia. At regional level the brand is expanding the presence in new markets.

Following the almost positive trend reported in the period 2010-2016 when the brand grew up at a speed double than the industry, during the 2017 Skoda has further gained terrain in the global competitive landscape with a new record of 1.202.000 sales, up 4.7%.

At regional level, sales are growing faster in “new” areas where the brand is still marginal, like Latin America or the Pacific area. In Europe is growing with West Europe sales up 6.1%, while sales are falling down in North Africa (-34%), East Europe (-12.0%) and GCC (-11.6%).

At model wise, the best model was the Octavia with 417.000 sales (-6.0%) followed by the Fabia with 206.000 (+1.3%) and the Rapid with 184.000 (+2.0%). The new Kodjaq is the 5th model with 99.000 sales.

Global Automotive Database

Based on the over 750 millions vehicles sales downloaded within of GAD (Global Auto Database) collected and aggregated by hundreds selected sources covering over 140 vehicles markets worldwide, our “Brand Performance Reports” refer to registrations data.

Skoda Global Performance Report

In the period 2010-2016 Skoda global sales improved from 770.000 in the 2010 to 1.147.000 in the 2016, performing a Compound annual growth rate  (C.A.G.R) of +8.2%, while the industry CAGR in the period was +4.6%.

In this period, Skoda gained five steps within the Global Car Brands Ranking landing in the 23rd place.

Sales split at regional level confirmed the supremacy of the European region counting the 66.3% of total sales (it was 68.5% in the 2010). However, sales in Asia are improving share actually counting 32.3% (from 30.0%). Just marginal volume reported in the rest of the World.

In our report we figure out this brand’s sales data in 95 different countries, with forecast up to the 2022.

On top of all, in the 2016 there was China with 28.8% of global sales share (from 23.4% in the 2010), ahead of Germany with 16.2% (from 17.1%), Czech Republic with 7.1% (from 6.9%), United Kingdom with 7.0% and Russia with 4.8%.

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Rank 2017Rank 2016Sales 2016Sales 2017Variation 2017Mix 2017Sales 2018 e
44Europe East35.42931.157-12,1%2,6%35.031
76Africa North7.2734.782-34,2%0,4%5.562
Rank 2017Rank 2016Sales 2017Sales 2016Variation 2017
11Skoda Octavia417.897444.529-6,0%
22Skoda Fabia206.735203.9831,3%
33Skoda Rapid184.235180.6292,0%
44Skoda Superb142.025143.934-1,3%
514Skoda Kodiaq99.94624997200,0%
65Skoda Yeti68.15397.643-30,2%
76Skoda Citigo36.49041.003-11,0%
87Skoda Rapid Spaceback25.69529.590-13,2%
916Skoda Karoq4.991-#DIV/0!
108Skoda Spaceback2.7883.265-14,6%