Slovenia 2015. Market up in double-digit

Slovenia vehicles market

Slovenia vehicles market in 2015 reported a double-digit increase, the fourth in a series. The industry has now almost recovered the lost accumulated after the 2009 crisis and looks ahead with positive perspectives.

Economic Outlook

The Slovenian economy grew at the slowest pace in six quarters in Q3 and may have lost further momentum in the final quarter of 2015. However, latest data from November suggest a fairly strong close to the year: industrial production and export growth accelerated while unemployment fell to levels not seen since early 2012. Slovenia has recovered significantly since the profound banking crisis in 2013 and is in better shape than several European economies.

Exports are expected to have grown the most in four years last year and will likely sustain momentum this year as European economies strengthen. Meanwhile, the Central Bank reported that the country’s banks recorded solid net profits in 2015, just two years after being rescued by the government.

Despite diminishing risks, the government still controls around half of the country’s banking sector and fulfillment of pledges to sell banks, as well as other state-owned companies, in the coming years will be crucial to reducing fiscal pressures.

Market Outlook

According to data released by the Sekcija Za Osebna Motorna Vozila, the Association of Car Manufacturers in Slovenia, the last quarter of the 2015 kept the market momentum up with 14.651 sales, up 9% ending an almost positive year in which the market rebounded after the previous years difficulties.

Total new car passengers sales in the year had been 60.644, up 11.0% while light commercial vehicles sold had been 7.917, +6.6%. The market reported the fourth increase in a row.

Volkswagen was market leader with 15.4% of share and 9.159 sales (+8.3%) followed by Renault with 8.403 (+7.5%) and Skoda with 5.358 (+8.2%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands and top 10 models.

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