UAE 2017. The Best Selling Cars ranking

UAE best selling cars

UAE best selling cars ranking in the 2017 reported a new leader, the third in three years, thanks to the progress of Nissan Patrol in a descending markets. In second and third place the Toyota Land Cruiser and Hilux.

UAE vehicles market is running across the hardest crisis of last decades, following a long period of robust expansion. Indeed, in recent years sales grew from 291.000 in the 2012 to the all time record of 408.252 established in the 2015.

The demand contraction related to the oil price decline in the international market hit the country more than any other in the region. In addition, it must be considered the relevance of trading activity for vehicles registered in the Emirates and then exported (others GCCs and Africa).

This activity has been hit as well, due to low demand from Africa and others GCC countries. The effect was a huge fall in the 2016 and again in the 2017, when full year sales fell down at 276.081 (-11.2% )

As far as the best-selling car ranking, in the 2017 we have a new leader, the third in three-year, and after the Mitsubishi Lancer (2015) and the Toyota Land Cruiser (2016) the king of the year is the Nissan Patrol. The Japanese model in the current 6th generation is near to be replaced, but thanks to the special desert equipment maintains all its competitiveness and actually is offered at a very attractive price.

In the 2017 was one of the few models increasing volume from the previous year, with 21.151 sales (+36.2%).

In second place the former leader, the Toyota Land Cruiser with 17.702 units (-3.4%) followed by the Toyota Hilux with 11.445 sales (-25.3%)

In fourth place the Toyota Prado with 9.360 units (-6.2%), followed by the Mitsubishi Lancer, with 9.026 (-20.9%), the BMW X5 with 8.285 (+11.1%), the Mitsubishi Pajero with 8.071 (-31.6%), the Toyota Camry with 7.196 (+6.7%), the Nissan Sunny with 6.677 (+0.4%) and in 10th place Toyota Hiace with 5.615 (-6.7%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for the top 100 Models

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