Uganda 2019. Auto market hit the highest volume in the decade

Ugandan vehicles market

Ugandan vehicles market in 2019 reached a peak of 2.864 units (including HCVs), soaring 28.4% from the previous year, hitting the highest volume of the entire decade. The podium was unchanged, with Toyota holding over 40% of the market.

Uganda’s economic figures in final quarter of 2019 are mixed, following a marked slowdown in the third quarter. The private sector PMI improved in Q4 compared to Q3, underpinned by increasing customer numbers. Meanwhile, economic activity softened in Q4, while merchandise export growth eased in the same period on slower growth of coffee exports.

New vehicles market has hit the record of the decade in 2019 after a tough period. Indeed, the market is still really limited, representing only a marginal quota on the import of vehicles, and there are no signs of Government actions to limit the import of exhaust and obsolete used-vehicles. Additionally, improved economic environment is not enough to sustain private consumer demand, considering the very low pro capita income.

In 2017, total vehicles sales have been 2.193 (-8.9%) while in 2018 marginally recovered with 2.231 units sold (+2.1%).

In 2019, the reached a peak of 2.864 units (including HCVs), soaring 28.4% from the previous year, hitting the highest volume of the entire decade.

Brand-wise, Toyota kept dominating with over 40% of the market, while Nissan and Tata held the podium respectively with 17.8% and 10.6% of share.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for Top Brands

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