Iran 2017. Peugeot leader in a market up 15%


Iranian vehicles sales in the 2017 reported an almost positive performance albeit the slow start of the year, fueled by a rocketing economy. The market is now the most important in the World for Peugeot, leader with over 28.8% of market share.

Iran’s stellar growth momentum is threatened by U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision, announced on 13 October, not to endorse the nuclear deal. While Trump did not pull out from the deal, he stated the U.S. will do so if Congress and U.S. allies do not reinstate economic sanctions against Iran, targeting in particular the country’s capabilities to build long-range missiles. However, the U.S.’s capacity to restrict Iran’s oil exports remains to be seen, as Iran is redirecting most of its exports to China and India.

Iran has been engulfed by a wave of anti-government protests since 28 December. The political unrest has been largely triggered by high prices and stubbornly high unemployment, particularly among young Iranians. Moreover, Iran’s stellar economic performance since the lifting of economic sanctions in January 2016 has not yet translated into improved living conditions for all citizens, and the country’s involvement in regional conflicts is taking its toll on fiscal spending

Iranian vehicles market is recovering after the fall created by the US sanctions with sales down at 784.000 in the 2013, at 40% of the all time record. Since 2014 the market is recovering and fast growing. In the 2017, according to data released by the Iranian National Bureau of Statistics, sales have been 1.347.000 (+15.3%).

The market leader  Peugeot has sold 447.000 cars, up 7.5%, with 28.8% of market share.

In second place Saipa with 425.000 units (-0.0%) ahead of Renault with 178.000 (+73.0%), Iran Khodro with 149.970 (-8.4%) and Chery with 69.808 (+48.5%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for Top Brands

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