Australia 2024. June Sales Break The 16th Consecutive Growing Months String

The 2024 Ford Mustang Gt Convertible
The 2024 Ford Mustang Gt Convertible

Australian Vehicles Market reported in June 2024 the first year on year lost after a series of 16 consecutive growing months. June sales have been 115.606 (-3.7%) with Year To Date figures at 613.666 (+8.9%).


Market Trend and Outlook

New light vehicles sales (car passenger plus light commercial vehicles) reported in June the first year on year lost after a series of 16 consecutive growing months. However, the data does not represents a change in the basic positive trend. 

Indeed, June sales have been 115.606 (-3.7%) with Year To Date figures at 613.666 (+8.9%).

Looking at cumulative data up to June 2024, brand-wise, of course the leader is Toyota with 122.100 sales (+32.7%), followed by Ford with 48.765 (+28.1%), while the third, Mazda,  is struggling, with sales at 48.547 (-3.7%).

In fourth place Kia with 41.300 sales (+5.5%) is followed by Mitsubishi with 39.634 sales (+28.5%) and Hyundai -down 1 spot- with 36.082 (-4.3%).

In seventh place Isuzu -up 3 spots- with 25.903 registrations (+27.2%) ahead of Nissan, which gains 4 spots, with 24.916 sales (+23.6%), MG -down 2 spots- 24.593 sales (-7.9%) and in 10th place Tesla -down 2 spots- with 23.116 sales (-9.6%).

Looking at the top selling models, widely reported in the dedicated article, the leader still is Ford Ranger (+25.4%) followed by the Toyota Hilux (+1.5%) and the Toyota RAV4 (+87.9%).


Medium-Term Market Trend

In the past decade the Australian vehicle market has remained relatively stable. In 2010 and 2011 sales remained around 950k registrations. While in 2012 with a 12.6% growth light vehicle sales rose above 1 million and stayed above this mark until the arrival of the pandemic. During these 8 years sales didn’t fluctuate much reaching a maximum of 1.17 million in 2016 an a minimum in 2019 at 1.04 million sales.

With the arrival of Covid-19 in 2020 the Australian vehicle market took a 15.1% hit moving  sales down to 880k registrations.

This drop, enhanced by the closing down of manufacturing plants and distributors ,didn’t last long. In fact, in 2021 sales jumped back above the 1 million mark with a y/y growth of 14.9%. 2022 maintained the momentum and grew another 1.5% in volume.

In 2023 vehicles sales grew up again at 1.18 million sales, a 12.7% growth from the previous year. 

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Groups, and top 10 Models.

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