Ireland Car Market in 2015 recovered the 30% fueled by a roaring economy.

Ireland Car Market

Ireland Car Market in 2015 recovered the 30% fueled by a roaring economy. Following the 2014 strong increase the sales figures are now back over the 100.000 units. Volkswagen is leader with the Golf best-seller.

Economic Environment

The Irish economy continues to show clear signs that its recovery continues unabated despite global headwinds. Figures released by the Central Statistics Office of Ireland showed that the economy expanded 1.4% quarter-on-quarter, which came in below Q2’s 1.9% expansion. The reading came on the back of a moderate increase in private consumption which was offset by a notable drop in net exports and fixed investment.

The Irish economy continues to outperform its regional peers and is poised to be the fastest growing economy in the Euro area in 2015 for the second consecutive year. However, fears remain that the Irish economy remains vulnerable to external shocks because the government has continued to exceed its fiscal targets. Furthermore, public spending has gone up as well and taxes have been slashed ahead of the 2016 April parliamentary elections.

Market Outlok

Fueled by strong economic recovery, the Irish vehicles market is fast recovering from the heal bottomed the day after the dramatic financial crisis that severely hit the country in the 2009. Following the strong recovery scored in the period 2014-2015 the market volume is still far around 60.000 units from the record, scored in the 2007 at 187.000.

According to data released by S.I.M.I. the Society of Irish Car Manufacturers, the car passenger’s sales in the 20115 had been 125.161, up 30.0% from the previous year.

Best selling brand was again Volkswagen with 15.379 sales (+31.6%) followed by Toyota with 13.109 (+27.5%), Ford with 12.050 (+29.6%) and Hyundai with 11.484 (+40.6%).

The top model was the Volkswagen Golf with 5.525 (+20.8%) ahead of the Ford Fiesta and Focus respectively with 4.503 (+44.3%) and Focus (+15.3%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models

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