Top 8 Ways to Improve your Car’s Mileage


Owning a car is more of a necessity than a luxury in the modern era. From family trips to emergencies, having your vehicle makes things considerably easy. With the car owners being responsible for regular maintenance, MOTs, and care, some people feel cars are comforting while others complain of too much work. If there is a single place where they both agree, it is the fuel efficiency. The ever-changing price of fuel along with the cost of maintenance proves itself to be heavy on the pocket.

While you cannot cut back on maintenance and yearly MOTs for your safety, you can surely follow some tips and tricks to make your car more fuel-efficient. Of course, there is always the option of getting electric hybrids, but most of us are yet to make the shift. And until then, here are some ways to improve your gas mileage.

1. Fuel Recommendation

When you’re deciding on the fuel type, there is a tendency to rush to the premium side without acknowledging the properties and suitability. There is a notion that premium fuel is the best type for every car out there. However, you could not be further away from the truth.

Every car manufacturer takes a look at the different fuel types to decide which is the best for that particular car. It is with this ideal type of fuel that you will reach the maximum gas mileage. Even if the recommendation talks about a cheaper fuel with a higher octane level, you have to trust the manufacturer as nobody knows it better than them. In this way, you have to be sure about what you’re feeding the car with. A compatible fuel will increase efficiency, allowing you to shell a lesser amount at the pump.

2. Motor oil Recommendation

As we discussed the different types of fuel, the same applies to Motor Oil. Every advertiser will guarantee you better mileage, smooth drive, and so on and forth. But, you have to remember that the motor oils are not tested against the exact model, make, and brand of the car. To ensure you’re using the recommended Motor Oil, contact the manufacturers as they usually hold a list of them.

If you’re in a fix and cannot find a solution, you can always trust your car garage and mechanics, and ask them for advice, and they will be able to guide you in the correct direction.

3. Easy and Smooth Drive

You have probably heard this before but how you treat your vehicle when you’re pressing on the accelerator says a lot about the fuel mileage. Each one of us loves to pretend that we are in a Racing ground, fighting everything to grab the #1 position. But in reality, our cars are ordinary, and we don’t have a pit stop after every lap. In fact, we have another lap, and round and round we do.

Why is this related to the fuel? Because you’re pressurizing your engine to push you that fast, increasing the drag your car will have to fight against. All this requires more fuel energy than simply driving the car at a normal speed.

This is also applicable to when you’re trying to stop the car. Making a sudden halt, as smart as it may look, is not the correct way to bring the engine to a stop. Make sure you maintain a good distance from the car in front and press the brake gently without startling your engine.

4. Tyre Pressure

Keeping the correct tyre pressure not only saves the fuel but also helps to establish a safer connection between the car and the road. Most motorists do not pay heed to the tyre pressure until it is turning and running fine. However, your lack of attention to the tyre pressure may not only pose a safety risk but also put extra strain on your fuel economy.

When your car is running on low tyre pressure, it increases the rolling resistance of the tyre on the ground surface. As you have already guessed, this robs you of the precious fuel and drains your tank more quickly than ever.

Your tyre pressure should be within the recommended level by the manufacturer. A handy gadget can easily check the pressure and inform you of the same.

Similar to the pressure, you should also keep an eye on the tread pattern on your car to make it roll as smoothly as possible without any extra strain or pressure.

5. Gas Cap

We rarely notice this part of the car unless we are at the gas station and have to press the button to make it pop. Gas Cap, though serving a very essential point, is largely ignored. This is where you can make a change.

Your Car’s Gas Cap is manufactured with a rubber seal to prevent any air from entering the fuel chamber. If the rubber seal is not doing its job properly, it will allow oxygen to pass through the fuel tank. Eventually, an inefficient rubber seal will lead to allowing more air to enter the car’s engine while fuel is being drawn or pumped from the tank. The increased air in the fuel will lead to the engine burning more gas, thereby increasing the consumption.

6. Air-filter

Many car owners are under the impression that increasing gas mileage requires tedious work. But this is not true. You can employ the most basic task and see a good result concerning your fuel economy. One such thing is cleaning air-filters which many motorists are guilty of ignoring.

It is recommended to replace the filters at regular intervals to avoid the build-up of dust and debris that might block the working of the engine. A new filter will allow the engine to effortlessly draw air from the environment. On the other hand, a blocked or clogged up filter will decrease the engine efficiency and require more power to draw in air. This will effectively increase fuel consumption and drop the gas mileage. You can always opt for a filter clean during a car service to avoid any issue in the future.

7. Watch the Weight

Your car works in a similar way your body will when it is burdened with enormous weight. There is always a tendency to overburden your trunk with everything, and some of them may not be even of use in the near future. The punctured tyre, child seat no longer in use, a stack of old papers, or just a few other things you never bothered to take out after the long road trip.

Now, why is the weight important while we are discussing fuel efficiency?
It is because your engine is designed to handle only so much weight as it can bear without being pressurized. As the weight increases, the engine works exceptionally hard and therefore, burning more fuel in the process.

Make sure you’re well within the weight limit of the engine to avoid unnecessary fuel burn.

8. Idle Car

Your idle car, though it is sitting quietly without doing anything, can take up half a gallon to about a gallon of fuel in an hour. To top it off, it would also be releasing carbon dioxide into the air the whole time. You can always turn off the engine when you’re waiting for your friend to step out of his house, or in a traffic jam which hasn’t moved in a while. It’s the little things that give the greatest results.

To avoid the unnecessary fuel wastage, it is advisable to switch off the car when you’re waiting and crank up the engine once you’re ready to go. Make sure you make it a habit and in no time, you would have saved enough fuel to see good mileage!

This brings us to the end of this article. I hope you have enough points to help you through the process and increase your gas mileage. For any question or doubts, feel free to drop a comment below.