Ukraine 2021. Renault Is The Only Brand To Fall In Market Rising 20.8%

The 2023 Renault Austral
The 2023 Renault Austral

Ukraine’s auto market in 2021 rises by 20.8% with 103,244 sales, reporting an increase in sales in every quarter of the year. Renault is the only brand in the leaderboard to report a decrease in sales, losing 6.2%.

Market Trend

The Ukrainian car market this year grew in double-digits and reported positive performance in every quarter.

The market has been hit both by economic and political crisis falling down at near one-tenth of the record level (over 600,000 sales) achieved over a decade ago. The negative peak was hit in 2016, with only 65,516 units sold. Then, the market registered a sign of recovery in 2017 with 82,729 units. However, sales went down 2.4% again in 2018 at 80,742.

In 2019, the market immediately recovered from the previous year’s drop, ending with total sales at 88,253 (+9.3%). 

The market fell very slightly in 2020 despite the global pandemic has impacted sales significantly in Q2, in fact, full-year sales been 85,450, reporting a decline of 3.2% compared to 2019.

In 2021 the year started positively for the Ukraine market, in fact, in Q1 21,096 units have been sold, reporting a 4% increase in sales compared to Q1 2020, while in Q2 sales started growing quickly, reporting a 61.8% increase in sales with 27,284 units due to the very low volumes in Q2 2020.

In Q3 sales grew in double-digits, gaining 20.8% sales with 27,719 units, and in Q4 27,145 units were sold, gaining 7.1%.

Indeed, Full-Year sales for 2021 have been 103,244, reporting a 20.8% increase compared to 2020.

Ukraine quarterly sales variation
Ukraine quarterly sales variation

Brand-wise, this year the new leader Toyota (+14.4%) lost 0.8% market share, followed by the previous leader Renault (-6.2%), which lost 3.8% share and reported the worst performance on the leaderboard. Kia on the other hand gained 1.7% share, rising 50.1%.  Skoda remained in 4th place and rose 22%, followed by Nissan -up 1 spot- which gained 25.6%.

Hyundai -down 1 spot- gained 19%, followed by Chery -up 8 spots- which reported the best performance (+135.7%) and Mitsubishi which jumped 5 spots and rgained 75.8% sales. Closing the leaderboard we have Volkswagen -down 2 spots- gaining 11.7% this year and Suzuki falling in last place, gaining 27.1%.

The most sold vehicle this year has been the Kia Sportage (+37.2%) with 6,918 units sold and jumped 2 spots, overtaking the Toyota Rav4, which gained 8.9% registering 6,196 new sales this year. The Renault Duster (-3.3%) closes the podium by falling 1 spot and reports 5,354 new units sold.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models.

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