Chile 2017. Auto sale at second best result ever

Chilean Auto Market

Chilean Auto Market fast moved up in the 2017 improving sales by 17.9% and hitting the second best results ever. Strong economic momentum and higher copper price are sustaining consumers confidence and demand. Chery, Jac and Volkswagen shining.

Chile economic activity in November handsomely beat expectations thanks to a stronger non-mining sector, while consumer confidence turned positive for the first time in several years in December. In addition, prices for copper, Chile’s key export, rose markedly in the second half of the year on robust global demand, boding well for the external sector. President-elect Sebastian Piñera, who is set to take office in March, should inherit a recovering economy. Indicators for Q4 paint a mainly positive picture

Chilean Vehicles Market hits the all time record in the 2013 when sales reached 378.000 units, before to rapidly decline, hit by the economic crisis, at 282.232 in the 2014. Then a positive path started and is still in place with full year 2017 jumped up 17.9%

Indeed, according to the data released by the ANAC, full year sales have been 360.822, with a positive 2018 outlook ahead.

Since July Hyundai has surpassed Chevrolet taking the market leadership with year-end sales at 33.136 (+5.5%) while Chevrolet is second with 33.385 (+12.1%) and Kia is third, up 1 spot, with 30.103 (+4.3%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands and top 10 Manufacturers Group.

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