Luxembourg 2022. Car Market Closes Year With A 10.7% Loss

The 2023 Opel Astra GSe
The 2023 Opel Astra GSe

Luxembourg Car Market in December falls after a 4 month uptrend, with 3,131 new registrations (-48.2%). 2022 totals 42,087 sales, a 10.7% loss from the prior year.

Market Trend and Outlook

The Auto Market in Luxembourg in December collapsed after an uptrend in the previous 4 months, reporting 3,121 new registrations (-48.2%). Cumulative sales from 2022 reach 42,087, a 10.7% loss from the prior year.

Looking at cumulative data from the first 11 months of 2022 brand-wise, Volkswagen is still the leader with 4,964 sales (-8.1%), followed by Mercedes with 4,060 (-13.5%), Audi -up 1 spot- at 3,799 sales (-9.4%) and BMW -down 1 spot- with 3,750 total sales (-17.9%).

5th and 6th position remain unchanged compared to 2021, respectively held by Peugeot at 3,330 sales (+13.5%) and Skoda at 1,937 (-17.6%). Opel jumps 4 spots into 7th place with 1,564 registrations (+5.0%).

Renault falls 1 spot into 8th with 1,562 sales (-26.9%), followed by Fiat in 9th at 1,545 (-17.9%) and finally Hyundai -down 1 spot- in 10th position with 1,411 cumulative sales (-19.7%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands and top 10 Manufacturers Group.

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