Mexico Autos Market Report 2010-2019


Mexico Autos Market Report 2010-2019 features historical data and insights plus professional forecast on new vehicles sales by type, manufacturer, brand and model providing an easy-to-use picture of current and future competitive landscape.

Research Contents

Focus2move Automotive Market Reports provide a comprehensive and extensive overview about this market including information on the cars and light commercial market size, market share and industry trends, with a deep segment analysis and full data for brands and models in the last two years, plus forecast by T.I.V:, segments and brand up to 2025.

We can help you gain further insight into the automotive market trends and gain valuable automotive consumer data.

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Focus2move market analysis can help you make informed business decisions by providing up-to-the-minute automotive industry intelligence.

Contents are:

Historical Data 2010-2020

  1. Global Vehicles Market Data
    1. Global light vehicles sales
    2. Global light vehicles market trend
    3. Global Industry by type
    4. Light Vehicles industry mix
    5. Global car passenger’s sales
    6. Global car passenger’s sales trend
    7. Global LCVs sales
    8. Global LCVs sales trend
    9. Global Premium segment sales
    10. Global Premium segment share on market
  2. Introduction to the country
    1. Geographical position
    2. The country essence
    3. Historical heritage
    4. Key economic findings
  3. Market vehicles industry data & trends
      1. Light Vehicles sales 2010-2019
      2. Light Vehicles trend 2011-2019
      3. Total Industry by Type 2010-2019
      4. Light Vehicles Industry mix 2010-2019
      5. Car passenger’s sales 2010-2019
      6. Car passenger’s sales trend 2011-2019
      7. LCVs sales 2010-2019
      8. LCVs sales trend 2011-2019
      9. Vehicles Fleet 2010-2018
      10. Vehicles Fleet trend 2011-2018
      11. Car Passenger’s Fleet 2010-2018
      12. Car Passenger’s Fleet trend 2011-2018
      13. Commercial Vehicles Fleet 2010-2018
      14. Commercial Vehicles Fleet trend 2011-2018
      15. Total Vehicles production 2011-2018
      16. Total vehicles production variation 2012-2018
      17. Car Passenger’s production 2013-2018
      18. Car Passenger’s production variation 2012-2018
      19. Commercial Vehicles production 2012-2018
      20. Commercial Vehicles production variation 2013-2018
    1. Performance by brand 2018-2019
      1. All Vehicles sales & share table 2018-2019
      2. Car Passenger’s Segment sales & share table 2018-2019
      3. Commercial vehicles sales & share table 2018-2019
      4. Cars Passenger’s Top 10 Brands trend 2010-2019
      5. LCVs Top 10 Brands trend 2010-2019
      6. Top 10 Groups sales volume 2010-2019
      7. Top 10 Groups market share 2010-2019
      8. Top 10 Groups sales volume 2010-2019
      9. Top 10 Groups market share 2010-2019
      10. Top 10 Cars Manufacturers  trend 2010-2019
    2.  Premium Brands performance
      1. Premium brands sales volume 2010-2019
      2. Premium segment market share 2010-2019
      3. Premium brands sales 2018-2019
      4. Premium brands share 2018-2019
      5. Top Models sales 2018-2019
      6. Top models share 2018-2019
    3. Car Passenger’s segmentation
      1. Car Passenger’s segmentation – size 2019
      2. Sales distribution by segment 2019
      3. Segment A share and volumes 2010-2019
      4. Segment B share and volumes 2010-2019
      5. Segment C share and volumes 2010-2019
      6. Segment D share and volumes 2010-2019
      7. Segment E share and volumes 2010-2019
      8. Segment F share and volumes 2010-2019
    4. Car Passenger’s segmentation – Body
      1. Sales distribution by segment 2019
      2. Coupe share and volumes 2010-2019
      3. Hatchback share and volumes 2010-2019
      4. MPV share and volumes 2010-2019
      5. Sedan share and volumes 2010-2019
      6. SUV share and volume 2010-2019
    5. Car Passenger’s models performance
      1. Best-selling models – Cars Top 10 sales 2019
      2. Best-selling models – Cars Top 10 share 2019
      3. All models sales and share – Cars 2017-2019
    6. CVs segment analysis & data
      1. CVs mix evolution 2010-2019
      2. CVs segments mix 2019
      3. Light Bus sales and trend 2010-2019
      4. Van Small sales and trend 2010-2019
      5. Van Mid sales and trend 2010-2019
      6. Van Large sales and trend 2010-2019
      7. Pick ups sales and trend 2010-2019
      8. LCV Truck sales and trend 2010-2019
      9. LCV Truck sales and trend 2010-2019
      10. Top 10 models sales and market share 2019
      11. All models sales and share – LCVs 2018-2019
    7. LCVs models performance
      1. Best-selling models – Top 10 sales 2019
      2. Best-selling models – Top 10 share 2019
      3. All models sales and share 2018-2019

AX – Sources
AX – Methodology