Taiwan 2024. Vehicle Market Continues Negative Streak In June (-1.5%)


Taiwanese Vehicles Market in June 2024 fell for the 5th month in a row, reporting 40,702 new vehicle registrations (-1.5%). YTD sales at 228,081 are down 1.1% from the prior year. MG boomed 133.6%, making up 8 spots and ranking in 6th.

Market Trend and Outlook

Taiwan’s economy posted strong growth in Q1 2024 as real gross domestic product (GDP) rose by 6.56% in year-on-year terms, pushed by expanding real private final consumption and increasing exports.

The Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics states that Taiwan GDP is expected to increase 3.98% in 2024, pushed by the global boom in artificial intelligence. This growth is due to the strategic positioning of Taiwan in the global technological supply chain as the main producer of semiconductors and it’s heavy economic reliance on exports.

Although expectations for the Taiwanese economy are strong, the automotive market remains stagnant as June 2024 fell for the 5th month in a row, reporting 40,702 new vehicle registrations (-1.5%). YTD sales at 228,081 are down 1.1% from the prior year.

Looking at cumulative data up to June 2024 brand-wise, the leader remained Toyota with 59,467 sales (-0.5%), far in front of Lexus with just 15,155 sales (-10.6%).

Mercedes ranked 3rd with 15,155 sales (+5.3%), followed by Honda -up 1 spot- at 13,585 sales (-4.2%), Hyundai -up 6 spots- at 12,453 (+10.0%), MG -up 8 spots- at 11,706 registrations (+133.6%) and Tesla -up 2 spots- in 7th with 10,823 sales (+3.3%).

CMC fell 1 spot into 8th with 10,343 sales (+7.1%), in front of Nissan -up 1 spot- at 10,078 (-7.8%), and BMW -down 2 spots- closing the Top 10 with 9,899 sales (+2.1%).

Looking at specific models, reported in the dedicated article, the Toyota Corolla Cross was the best seller despite a 18.0% loss from the previous year, followed by the Toyota Town Ace up 26.3%.

Medium-Term Market Trend

The Taiwanese market has presented an overall growth in recent years, rising from 327,615 sales in 2010 to 438,145 in 2019. Despite the overall increase in demand between 2010 and 2019 , there have been some minor losses: -1.6% in 2012, -0.5% in 2015 and -3.0% in 2018.

In 2020 the Taiwanese Government was able to contain the Covid-19 virus through effective quarantines and avoid extreme measures like the lockdown. Mainly for these reasons the light vehicles market reached the current all-time high of 454,783 sales (+3.8).

Demand for light vehicles fell 1.1% in 2021 and in 2022 dropped even further (-4.0%). A combination of factors were behind the industry struggle: a disruption in the global supply chain caused by a lack of raw materials, in particular for the production of microchips, and the Governments push towards Evs. Despite these complications, the Taiwanese vehicle market in 2023 closed with 478,137 sales with an 11.4% increase compared to last year

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for top 10 Brands.

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