Global Auto Market 2021. General Motors Is The Only Group To Report Double-digit Losses

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World Light Vehicles ranking in 2021 with sales aggregated by manufacturer group sees Toyota Group still on top, with a rising 7.7% of market share. Suzuki registers the best performance by growing 10.6, while General Motors is the only one to fall in double-digits (-11.1%).

During the last decade, the automotive industry competitive scenario changed dramatically due to the success or defeats of the manufacturers on following the development of the market dynamics which challenge each player at 360 degrees, from the ability to design appropriately for each market to the delivery of an appropriate customer relation in any side of the World.

In 2021 Toyota Group is on top of the market with 12.2% market share and 10.3 million sales (+7.7%). In recent years they had great global coverage while managing the brand portfolio quite well. 

Volkswagen Group takes the second position, with 8.8 million sales registered (10.4% share), losing 4.4%.

The third position was taken by Renault Nissan Alliance with 7.6 million units sold (-1.4%), followed by Stellantis -up 1 spot-, which registered 7.4 million units sold (+9.6%).

In 5th place we have Hyundai-Kia -up 1 spot-,  with sales at 6.9 million units (+6.8%), followed by General Motors with 6.1 million units sold reporting the sharpest drop (-11.1%) and dropping 2 positions. In 2010, the America group was the global leader, after leading the World for decades, thanks to a huge brand portfolio. However, most of GM sales were unprofitable and it was a clay giant, not far from bankruptcy. In the last decade, GM has reduced the covered territories and the brands.

Honda Motor registered 4.4 million new sales (-1.3%), followed by Ford with 4.1 million sales (-0.4%) and Suzuki -up 1 spot- growing 10.6% with 2.7 million sales.

At the edge of the top 10 rankings, we find Mercedes Daimler -down 1 spot, with sales at  2.5 million (-1.6%). 

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for the top 30 groups.

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