Argentina 2023. Vehicle Market Grows For 3rd Consecutive Year (+6.8%)

The 2023 Ford Bronco Heritage Edition
The 2023 Ford Bronco Heritage Edition

Argentina Auto Sales in 2023 grew for the 3rd consecutive year, totalling at 419,256, a 6.8% increase from 2022. After reporting 11 consecutive positive months, December posted a 63.5% year-on-year loss, with only 17,364 new registrations.

Market Trend and Outlook

Argentina Vehicle Sales in 2023 grew for the 3rd consecutive year, totalling at 419,256, a 6.8% increase from 2022. After reporting 11 consecutive positive months, December posted a 63.5% year-on-year loss, with only 17,364 new registrations.

Looking at cumulative data up to December 2023 brand-wise, the leader is Toyota with   92,989 sales (+8.9%), followed by Volkswagen at 56,276 (+16.7%), in front of Fiat with 54,725 light vehicle registrations (-1.7%).

Renault maintains 4th position with 50,615 sales (+13.3%) followed by Peugeot  at 40,755 (+14.3%), Ford -up 1 spot- with 36,470 (+31.5%) and Chevrolet -down 1 spot- with 30,154 new light vehicle sales (+3.3%).

Nissan maintains 8th position with 18,970 sales (+24.5%), in front of Citroen in 9th with 11,741 (-15.1%) and Jeep closing the Top 10 with 8,710 sales (-12.4%).

Looking at specific models the Fiat Cronos remains the best seller with an 21.3% increase in year-on-year sales. In second ranks the Peugeot 208 which grew 40.6% in yearly volume.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for top 10 Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group.

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