Indonesia Best Selling Car Ranking reaffirmed Toyota dominance, securing 5 models in the Top 10. Still, all major models posted losses, with the Daihatsu Gran Max PU being the only exception.
Looking at cumulative data up to December 2024, the best-selling car became the Toyota Kijang with 63,689 sales (-4.2%), in front of the Toyota Avanza with 55,838 (-10.3%) and the Daihatsu Sigra with 54,134 sales (-12.3%)
The Honda Brio ranked in 4th with 51,133 sales (-16.6%), followed by the Daihatsu Gran Max PU -up 1 spot- with 49,000 sales (+13.4%), the Toyota Cayla -down 1 spot- with 39,909 registrations (-12.9%) and the Mitsubishi Xpander -up 1 spot- with 31,883 units sold (-19.5%).
The Toyota Rush -down 1 spot- ranked into 8th place with 31,752 sales (-19.3%) ahead of the Suzuki Carry Pick-Up -down 2 spots- with 30,075 units sold (-28.9%) and the Toyota Agya -up 3 spots- in 10th with 19,595 new registrations (-11.8%).
Tables with sales figures
In the tables below we report sales for the top 50 Models