Japan best selling cars. The top in the 2019

Japan best selling cars

Japan best selling cars in 2019 was still led by the kei-car Honda N-Box, followed by the fast-growing Daihatsu Tanto, which reached 3.4% of share. The Toyota Sienta impressed, landing in 8th position.

In the Japanese car market, top 50 models represent over 73% of total market while almost 90% is represented by the top 100. During the last decade, the leadership has frequently changed. However, since 2017, the new market leader has been Honda N-Box.

Indeed, in 2019, the Honda N-Box reported the third consecutive year of growth, holding a market share above 5%.

In second place, the Daihatsu Tanto registered a double-digit improvement, reaching 3.4% of share, ahead of the Suzuki Spacia and the Nissan Dayz, ending the year respectively at 3.3% and 3.1%.

Remarkable performance scored by the Toyota Sienta, surging 17.9% and jumping in 8th place, ending with 2.2% of share.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all top 50 models.

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